Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 9 - Back to the National Park

Today was spent getting organized for our trip home. My, how we do spread out! When we had gotten a good handle on that task, we decided to take one more quick trip into Glacier. We didn’t want to miss anything! We decided to take little road-less-traveled branches off of Sun Road. The first one we took was closed about 2 or 3 miles in. But that was okay. We were in the forest and away from the crowds. We took another road farther down at the end of Lake McDonald. Again gravel, but that was nothing new to us on this trip. We just forged ahead.

Now, Wonder Dog loves the gravel roads. She sits-up in my lap the whole time, scanning the woods for critters. She spotted a deer which we think she believes is a long-legged, big dog. She is so funny! The drive was also a dead end, after about 6 miles. But well worth it. We saw damage from one of the forest fires; we think one of the 2003 fires. We also saw where the new growth was beginning. The sun was dappled on the ground from the trees. Quite breath-taking. We stopped and took photos several times on the drive. When we stopped at McDonald Creek for photos, we had to cut it a little short. The mosquitoes were thick! So, a couple of quick clicks and back in the car. We saw quite a lot of deer on our outing today. It was late afternoon/early evening and they were becoming active.

We left the park for the last time of this trip. We felt like we had explored just about all that is accessible by car. I think we both were a little sorry, but we are also looking forward to getting home.

We discussed altering our trip home to take in Yellowstone National Park. It is practically on the way home! Our better judgment took over and we decided that might be a good trip for next summer. So, Hubby, Wonder Dog, BB, and I will hit the road early in the morning and head to Billings, MT.

1 comment:

rkremer said...

What's that on your chin? Mountain Man?